This course is directed to Master Two students studying Literature and Interdisciplinary Approaches. It deals with some aspects and themes of contemporary fiction written by English novelists.

Content of this course:

1.      Disability Studies

2.      Doris Lessing’s The Fifth Child

3.      Multiculturalism

4.      Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddh  a of Suburbia

This course focuses on contemporary British fiction written after the second half of the twentieth century. Several writers started to represent different themes such as economy, politics, sociology and psychology. It is worth mentioning that the literary texts of this period are associated with postmodernism. This semester, therefore, we are going to deal with postmodern novels.

Disability Studies is another contemporary topic that sheds light on the sufferings of disabled people and their mothers. They suffer not only suffer because of the impairment but also the mistreatment of society because they are excluded. These aspects are going to be analyzed in Doris Lessing’s The Fifth Child.

Multiculturalism is another influential topic in British fiction. It deals with how a category of British people who have two different origins suffer because they consider themselves as British. Their main problem is that they are judged by people for having an exotic parent, skin color, and religion. Consequently, this category of people feels hybrid and have some identity troubles since they keep trying to cope while rejecting their roots. This topic will be analyzed in Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia.

Targeted skills:

·         The students will learn new interdisciplinary topics related to contemporary era.

·         They develop a critical thinking while analyzing novels and plays.

·         They must be able to write critical essays on these topics.

·         They develop new vision while reading new literary works.