Since start-ups are not small versions of big companies, a different approach is required to develop a successful
business. As such the main output of the module Entrepreneurship is not a 5-year business plan, but instead a
portfolio of start-up activities and an iteratively validated business proposition to launch an innovative,
internationally scalable new venture, either as an individual start-up or as a new venture within an existing
In the module Entrepreneurship we study, discuss and experiment with a combination of traditional and
contemporary business development insights, methods, theories and tools in order to facilitate you to start
your own business or develop (incept) a new business concept for an existing company with an omnidirectional
The minor differentiates itself from other Entrepreneurship programs in its 3 pillar approach to
1. Theory & research in entrepreneurship-> deepening your understanding of entrepreneurship and its various
disciplines from an academic perspective, by actively conducting research, as well as studying and reflecting
upon practical case studies and research papers on the various issues that are concerned in building a
successful businesses, either as an individual startup or as part of a corporate entrepreneurial initiative;
2. Entrepreneurship in practice -> experiencing entrepreneurship from a practical perspective, co-creating
innovative business concepts with various stakeholders, creating, testing, iterating, pivoting, redesigning,
testing, iterating, etc., and
3. Development of personal entrepreneurial skills & behaviour -> developing your entrepreneurial skills such as
pitching, presenting, customer orientation, customer development, selling, buying, negotiating, planning and
dealing with diversity and internationalization.
The module Entrepreneurship focuses on the practical and personal development aspects of starting a new
venture, utilizing the lean start up tool developed in Silicon Valley and applied globally by numerous startups.
In the module we assume a somewhat linear process, which iterates frequently, containing the following
topics: opportunity discovery / creation, ideation, value creation, customer & market orientation and customer
& market development, feasibility anlaysis, preparing your marketing & sales, business modeling and business
planning & analysis.
- Enseignant: Hassyna DAKHANE
مقياس تاريخ الجزائر المعاصر (اعمال موجهة)
تعلن الاستاذة عيبش لطلبة الافواج( 5،7، 13، 24 ) انهم ملزمون باختيار بحث من قائمة البحوث التالية الذكر وإعداده وفق خطة منهجية، و ارساله الى الامايل التالي
ملاحظة: كل طالب مطالب بانجاز بحث معين من هذه البحوث ويكون بشكل فردي او ثنائي.
قائمة البحوث للسداسي الثاني مقياس تاريخ الجزائر المعاصر:
1- الحركة الوطنية بين 1919-1939
2- الحركة الوطنية بين 1940-1945
3- مجازر 8 ماي 1945
4- اعادة بناء الحركة الوطنية بين 1945-1953
5- الثورة التحريرية الجزائرية
6- هجومات الشمال القسنطيني 20 اوت 1955
7- مؤتمر الصومام 20 اوت 1956 وإعادة تنظيم الثورة
8- اتفاقيات ايفيان واستقلال الجزائر 1962
- Enseignant: hadia aibeche